I must apologize for my lack of dedication. I seem to get side tracked so easily. I really appreciate you all putting up with me. I have been on the road constantly and have projects spread out. I am working on multiple projects spread out in several locations. I have run out of room in my studio area. I really need to do some culling. My sons threatens to turn me in to one of the hoarder shows, but I still have space, just not alot.
I am working on my floor cloth in my in-laws basement. I have been putting 2 coats of gray tinted prime on each side of heavy canvas. Today I get to put on my base coat of gray, then will start stenciling and embellishing. I have been waiting several days inbetween each coat so that every thing is throughly dry. I clean a couple of times a week at my in-laws due to their various health issues and age (80s). I have been blessed to be working for myself so that I have been able to help them out this summer.
I also go to Mom's two or three days a week. There an old school desk that awaits my attention at this spot. This picture is of the desk just after it was cleaned and sanded. I am not going to explain what I am going to paint on it. It is for my cousin who (for painting this piece) gave me a piano bench. I have one piano bench that I have a folkart painting on. But this one will be much different. I will write about it when I am able to get it started.At home, I got a new dishwasher for my birthday, so we have been switching them out. Have you ever noticed that the connections never are the same. AND they don't come with the new dishwasher. Very fustrating when you live 10 miles out in the county. I took off the back of the cabinets and removed my table. I am going to put doors in to make access to the pumping in the corner easier. Also am going to put in a bar with some 2 x 12 in oak that we have. I hope that I will be able to cut it. The longer oak sits the harder it gets. Then LOTs of sanding. I wish my brother and his workshop were a 1000 miles closer.
Plus, I am getting gourds ready for a class that my friend, Pam Price (a wonderful artist) & I are going to instruct a halloween gourd painting at craft camp in late September. They are all washed, basecoated and pattern scketched on. My old army cot make a great drying rack. All of my gourds are clean. Thats a first!
For fun this past month, I took my first "Bob Ross" class. I don't want to paint in oil . I enjoy taking workshops and it is a fun way to learn new techniques plus get together with friends. I did not finish my painting, but will. It just needs to a corrections and details. A lot can be transfered over to waterbase painting.
Also, my homemaker's group (the Rowdy Golden Girls ;-) ) craft were these pinked and frayed cloth flowers. I got the directions off of Martha Stewarts web site. They are fun and easy to make. Just take a 4in strip of clothe folded in half. You have to sew a basting line along the folded edge and gather to about half the original length. Then roll up and whip stitch as you go. The only tip I have is to keep your gather side as flat as possible. I glued my flowers to a purse that I purchased at Wally world and it really made it much cuter. They can be put on hats, lapels, balls, anything!!!
I am glad that my Long Island girls, Sue & Kathryn, got thru Irene without any great losses. Hope my family in the Carolinas didn't suffer too much water. I haven't heard.
I will catch you up on my doin's soon. Stay safe.
PS. if anyone who reads this blog is interested, I have a "fencing" uniform that I am selling. It is my son's and is a 42 in chest (medium). Just let me know and I will send you the info.